داستان آبیدیک

coal seam correlation


1 زمین‌شناسی و معدن:: همبستگی رگه زغال سنگ

3 List of NISCO Notes on the Coal Seam Correlation It can be mentioned generally that the geological map is related to the state of knowledge up to the June 1997 as to the length and course of coal seams within productive zone, and to limited information used for the coal seam correlation. The coal seam correlability and consequently the evaluation of the seam distribution at the Galandrud 1 deposit depends on both the strike development of individual coal seam and the density of the geological mapping technical work. The difficulties with the coal seam correlation are also in relation to the frequency of coal bands occurrence, which can be demonstrated on the example of borehole BH 19. The position of sandstone beds for the coal seam correlation cannot be used as a supporting feature This statement is based e g. on observation that two sandstone layers assumed to accompany the coal seam No. 21 are observable at the surface only, and have not been found in TN 5 or in its crosscuts.

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